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It was for me, like for many others, that I was led into the world of sculpting without planning to do so or even being interested.

That is the way it was in the 1980's, before I had learned to handle the fact that you sometimes "walk into the wall". I was extremely stressed when my painting did not work out. I walked into the forest and i went fishing. One winter when the ice fishing was unusually calm I started to make two feet tall snowmen from the wet snow. Suddenly I realized that in general it is the same senses you use to make sculptures as when you paint. But what felt so liberating was that I did not have to think in colours. It did not take long before there was a big lump of clay on the table in the studio. After one or two years I had contact with a small art foundry in Italy where I learned more about technique and material and this is where I still cast my bronzes.

Public bronze sculptures:
- Bear in Funäsdalen, Härjedalen
- Beaver in Bjursås, Dalarna
- Lynx in Ludvika, Dalarna
- Wolf at East Malma, Sörmland
- Eagle Owl in Falun, Dalarna
- Lynx at Järvzoo, Järvsö, Hälsingland
- Wolf in Marieberg forest, Karlstad, Värmland
- Whooper swans at Örebro university, Närke
- Sea Eagle, Falun, Dalarna
- Brown bear, Falun, Dalarna
- Deer family, Dalarna - Osprey with pike, Eskilstuna, Södermanland
- Lynx, Dalarna
- Sea Eagle, Torshälla, Södermanland
- Roebuck, Enköpings-Näs, Uppland

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